66-67 Dodge Charger Source Guide

Back-up Lights


JoBuck: Anyone out there familiar with the back up lights operation? I looked in my shop manual and it shows a back up light switch, but I don't where its located on the car. I would imagine its got to be somewhere on the transmission or the gear shifter linkage. If it is the switch does anyone know where I can buy one.... none of the parts stores around here list them anymore. Are these switches interchangeable with later models?


Daniel Daigneault: You might be looking a little too far for nothing. Take a test light and with the key on, put your transmission in reverse and verify by touching the test light to the pin inside the socket and the other end to a good ground. If the test light works, obviously replace the bulb.
Many times on those models, the ground is not very good.
Next, you will need to verify your back up light switch which is located on the transmission itself and has 2 wires connected to it.


Jack Wands: 4 spd trannys have a switch near the bottom with 2 wires attached, power in and power out. With any elec problem you need to start at the source and trace it. Start at the switch and insure you have power in, if not, trace that wire back up to the fire wall and check for power. Shift into reverse and check for power out.
You will find that the wiring goes back to the bulk head connector at the firewall. Now trace it under the dash. You will be looking for a violet wire, which runs from the same bulkhead connector down behind the left kick panel under the sill plate and over to the console.
This is where you will want to check for power next. Remember that you will need to keep the tranny in reverse to do your testing or jump the two wires at the tranny if you confirm that your switch is good, it will remain a violet wire. If you have power there, then your problem is a broken wire between the console back to the lights, not a likely problem unless someone pinched it.


John Borris: On 66 & 67 Chargers the back up lamp switch is located inside the console. Usually it is just out of adjustment thats why the lamps don't light


Bryan (A383Wing): Power from the wiper switch is the power wire for the back-up lights.